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Adrien Brody: I feel younger than I did years ago
Adrien Brody isn’t letting age get the better of him. The actor, 37, insists he doesn’t worry about growing older because he feels happier and more youthful now than he was in his “angst-ridden” 20s.
“You go through different phases and points in your life and that’s interesting. Someone may turn 40 and be thrilled to be out of their 30s, you know, but I don’t think about it a lot,” he said.
“I feel younger than I did years ago. I have a better sense of myself and what I’m willing to accept in personal and business relationships. That can only come with age, so I value the toll those years have taken on me for the positive aspects they’ve brought. I wouldn’t want to relive the drama of my early 20s because those were very angst-ridden.”
Brody — who’s known for portraying intense roles like in The Pianist, The Village and his latest venture Wrecked – recently insisted he’s an easy-going person in real life.
“I’m a much lighter person than the perception of me is. I am very serious about my work. I’m focused and respectful to the process of filmmaking but in general I am not always that heavy or intense in my personal life,” he said.
Brody then discussed why he’s not seen in more light-hearted movies.
“I wish that was up to me,” he said. “But the wonderful thing is that I have had opportunities to do very challenging work and that have been seen by many people and directors I admire. When you see an actor succeed in doing something, you would think of them for may be your project where they fit and I understand that.
“It is also finding the right ones..I have a comedy called High School that may come out this year. I play Psycho Ed…It’s a very broad comedy but at the same time I wanted my character to be intimidating to the boys who steal from him. It has some elements of truth and there is humor within that — and that’s the key.
“Darjeeling Limited is a comedy but there is substance, there is feeling and an opportunity for three brothers to reconnect and contemplate their dysfunctional relationship with each other and the loss of their father…and these are all relevant things that we can connect to. There is room for playfulness. There are glimpses of humor in Wrecked and that’s intentional.”
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