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Ricki Lake wants to pull a Kirstie Alley

Ricki Lake is losing weight! The TV star says preparing for her stint on Dancing with the Stars has helped her drop 8 ½ inches.

“I’m hoping to pull a Kirstie Alley,” she said.

“Every part of my body hurts. … When I went in for a costume fitting, I’ve lost 8 ½ inches. Three inches in my waist. Three in my hips. Over an inch in my thighs and another inch and a half on my arms. It’s crazy.

“My weakness is bread. That is absolutely the hardest thing to give up. Pizza is my favorite.

“Having my costumes taken in is the best feeling in the world.

“I’m a little self conscious of my arms and my back fat but they’re trimming down really quickly. So I think the longer I’m in the competition, the better I’ll feel about my body.”

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