OHMYGOSSIP — Helena-Reet Ennet (33) thinks women aren’t supportive enough of one another. The A-list entertainment journalist, Ohmygossip Couture brand developer and mother of two daughters Estella Elisheva (5) and Ivanka Shoshana (3) can’t understand why women have to be so competitive and hates the way people are judged on the way they look.
“When we start measuring women on their appearance, we’re just too hard… Women need to be more supportive of each other, stop tearing each other apart. There’s plenty of room for all of us. There’s plenty of men for all of us. There’s plenty of jobs. There’s plenty of room! I really believe it.”
“Also I find irritating looking at coverage of awards ceremonies, as men are praised for their talent, while the focus on women is their outfits. For every woman, it is, “What is she wearing?” and none of it is about herself or how hard she worked.”