Tag "Helena-Reet Ennet"
Back to homepageHelena-Reet: MY JOURNEY TOWARDS BECOMING A BILLIONAIRE or How to join the world’s most elite group of people?
NordenBladet – In the world people are desiring the status of a billionaire instead of that of a millionaire – in order to belong to the top notch you must be a billionaire. There is one billionaire for every million
Read MoreHelena-Reet: Elisheva & Shoshana (E&S) brand development and interview for Buduaar
NordenBladet – On December 7, I wrote on my Facebook page that I am looking for an investor and co-partner of the Elisheva & Shoshana (E&S) brand, which I created a long time ago. I crated the Elisheva & Shoshana
Read MoreHelena-Reet: My dreams & wishes – workable, unobtainable and completely unrealistic (Vol 2)
NordenBladet – In my first blog post reflecting my dreams and wishes (My dreams and wishes – workable, unobtainable and completely unrealistic -Vol 1) I revealed one of my biggest dreams that is actually already coming true – to be
Read MoreHelena-Reet: Quite unnoticeably I have come to be „professional luxury travel blogger” + ORGANIZER OF PRESS TRIPS FOR JOURNALISTS AND BLOG WRITERS!
NordenBladet – We have carried out a sizable survey and analysis concerning the NordenBladet and OHMYGOSSIP sites and quite many indicators have surprised me. For exmple, the fact that an entertainment site has grown into a premium travel site where
Read MoreESTONIAN-born 11-year-old violinist Estella Elisheva captivates world music classics
OHMYGOSSIP – According to the American edition Famousbirthdays.com the fifth grader of Tallinn Jewish School, 11-year-old Estella Elisheva is an exceptionally gifted girl and for the past few years the American newspapers have titled her the next Taylor Swift in
Read MoreToday, I´ll start to build Ohmygossip.se!
OHMYGOSSIP – Woke up at 6:30 as usual. I sent the kids to school, and Margus to work, then leisurely drank my coffee and read the morning paper. On economic side Postimees wrote that the number of farms decreases in Estonia.
Read MoreHelena-Reet: I try to urge people to keep the nature
OHMYGOSSIP — The world famous blogger, OHMYGOSSIP sites owner and the Twitter sensation Helena-Reet Ennet, who lately tells to Finnish media that she wishes to buy a private island in Bahamas, in Vigin Islands or in Scandinavia is not only
Read MoreOHMYGOSSIP.FI takes new blogger Tuija Järvinen to Morocco
OHMYGOSSIP – Some weeks ago OHMYGOSSIP- pages owner and editor-in-chief Helena-Reet Ennet opened the popular social media site – Ohmygossip Finland (@Ohmygossip_fi) also as an online magazine (www.ohmygossip.fi). Now all Finnish speaking fans can read full versions of their favourite
Read MoreHelena-Reet Ennet opened Brazilian OHMYGOSSIP- site with a huge scandal!
OHMYGOSSIP – Helena-Reet Ennet, who runs successfully many OHMYGOSSIP-sites and who is one of the most famous women in social media, opened some weeks ago a Brazilian Ohmygossip Facebook site with a huge scandal. Facebook page, which quickly got over
Read MoreHelena-Reet Ennet: OHMYGOSSIP is now 7-years old!
OHMYGOSSIP – Helena-Reet Ennet, who is one of the most known bloggers and business woman in Scandinavia told Iltamakasiini.fi exclusively that because of her super busy life schedule, she had no time to celebrate OHMYGOSSIP´s birthday. – Ohmygossip is now
Read MoreHelena-Reet is one of the key persons behind Donald Trump´s successful presidential campaign
OHMYGOSSIP – Billionaire Donald Trump is an American businessman, politician and television personality who is the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party for president of the United States in 2016, having won the most state primaries and caucuses and delegates
Read MoreHelena-Reet Ennet plans a Hollywood vampire movie
OHMYGOSSIP – Helena-Reet Ennet, who is one of the most known Facebook and Twitter celebrities in Scandinavia, with over 5 million social media followers in her OHMYGOSSIP-sites, tells to Iltamakasiini, that she plans to take part in a Vampire movie.
Read MoreHelena-Reet Ennet: Envy is the art of counting another´s blessings instead of your own
OHMYGOSSIP – There are many people out there who are jealous of other people, their success and etc. Jealousy is a black thing with our minds. Finland´s Terveyden Asialla asked famous blogger, Twitter celebrity and OHMYGOSSIP -sites owner Helena-Reet Ennet´s
Read MoreParis Hilton asks for fragrance help – Twitter celebrity Helena-Reet Ennet gave her her helping hand!
OHMYGOSSIP – Alongside a picture of herself surrounded by the 18 fragrances Paris Hilton wrote on Instagram: “ContestTime – The 1st #Contest of #2016. Whoever creates the best new #FragranceCampaign with a new perfume/cologne name, bottle & ad photo wins
Read MoreHelena-Reet Ennet: Dani Karlsson is my favourite blogger and artist of the year!
OHMYGOSSIP — Dani Karlsson (Daniela Chelsea Chatarina Karlsson) is a beautiful blogger and artist from Sweden who represented her coutnry in Miss World 2010 beauty contest, she is also famous for her Angelina Jolie look-alike image. Dani is a cute, determined,
Read MoreHelena-Reet: Insecure girls compete with one another. Strong women build each other
OHMYGOSSIP — Famous Scandinavian blogger Helena-Reet Ennet who has over 5 million Twitter followers on her Ohmygossip-sites, thinks women aren’t supportive enough of one another. The A-list entertainment journalist, an Ohmygossip Couture brand developer and mother of two daughters Estella
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