Tag "Fitness & Wellbeing"
Back to homepageREASONS behind your low libido
OHMYGOSSIP — Has your sex life become a bit stale of late? If you and your partner aren’t enjoying intimacy as much as you used to, one of the following reasons could be to blame.
Read MoreShocking news! Scientists: Less exercise leads to small brain
OHMYGOSSIP — It’s a well-known fact that being a couch potato is no good for your health, but new research has discovered lack of exercise may even shrink your brain.
Read MoreNew study finds way to stop breast cancer spreading!
OHMYGOSSIP — New research has discovered a protein which could stop breast cancer from spreading. When a tumour cell spreads, it enters the blood stream before latching onto the inner walls of blood vessels. The new study, funded by Cancer
Read MoreCall for healthier diets to combat alarming surge in diabetes
OHMYGOSSIP – Diabetes is a global problem now affecting one in every 11 adults, the World Health Organization (WHO) claims. In a major report, released to coincide with World Health Day on Thursday (07Apr16), WHO warns cases of diabetes had
Read MoreCan you really die from a broken heart?
OHMYGOSSIP – New research suggests dealing with the loss of a loved one really could break your heart. We are bombarded by old wives’ tales about people who never recover after the death of their true love, but now it
Read MoreIs your toddler drinking too much milk?
OHMYGOSSIP – Parents are feeding their toddlers too much milk and putting them at risk of obesity, experts warn. New research has found that a significant portion of children are consuming excess protein each day, putting them at risk of
Read MoreSoy foods can boost fertility
OHMYGOSSIP — Soy foods can combat the effects of a chemical that can lead to fertility problems, a new study has found. The chemical bisphenol A (BPA), found in certain plastic consumer products and the lining of some canned foods,
Read MoreBed sharing encourages breastfeeding, study finds
OHMYGOSSIP — The topic of sharing a bed with your baby is one that has been hotly debated over the years. But now a new study has found that mothers who bring their newborns into their bed are more likely
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