Back to homepageGood to know! Energy zapping foods
OHMYGOSSIP – Ever suffer from that mid-morning or mid-afternoon (or both!) slump? Well it might not have anything to do with your sleep the night before, and everything to do with the food you recently ate. Nutritionist Zoe Bingley-Pullin has
Read MoreGarlic may lead to modest blood pressure reduction
OHMYGOSSIP — A new analysis of past clinical trials using garlic supplements against high blood pressure finds a modest benefit, but researchers urge longer, more rigorous studies to assess the popular alternative “treatment.”
Read MoreWhy you should try Pitaya (commonly known as dragonfruit) + VIDEOS
OHMYGOSSIP – Based on its strange appearance you’ve probably passed up dragonfruit at the grocery store. But despite its intimidating name and shape, this superfood has many delicious and nutritious benefits. What is dragonfruit? Dragonfruit, sometimes called pitaya, flourishes in
Read MoreEating home cooked meals slashes diabetes risk
OHMYGOSSIP – Dining in cuts diabetes risk! New research from the Harvard School of Public Health conducted a 26 year study tracking the health of nearly 100,000 middle-aged men and women. Those who took part were all diabetes free at
Read More10 Foods to eat to burn more calories
OHMYGOSSIP — There are many foods that you can eat each day to burn calories and lose weight. The great news is that these foods are super delicious and they boast amazing health benefits, Womanitely mediates.
Read More3 Tips how to lose weight fast, Based on Science — Your 3-step plan!
OHMYGOSSIP — There are many ways to lose a lot of weight fast. However, most of them will make you hungry and unsatisfied. If you don’t have iron willpower, then hunger will cause you to give up on these plans
Read More7 Tricks to snack healthier and exercise harder
OHMYGOSSIP — If you’re looking for the better results from your fitness routine, you need to learn how to snack healthier and exercise harder. No matter whether you are trying to lose weight, build muscle or improve your health, snacking
Read More10 WAYS to cut back on calories
OHMYGOSSIP – Most of us love to eat well and why say “no” for your favourite food. Instead of feeling guilty for allowing yourself all these extra treats, work on making a few small changes in your diet and lifestyle
Read MoreHelena-Reet Ennet: Envy is the art of counting another´s blessings instead of your own
OHMYGOSSIP – There are many people out there who are jealous of other people, their success and etc. Jealousy is a black thing with our minds. Finland´s Terveyden Asialla asked famous blogger, Twitter celebrity and OHMYGOSSIP -sites owner Helena-Reet Ennet´s
Read MoreSoy foods can boost fertility
OHMYGOSSIP — Soy foods can combat the effects of a chemical that can lead to fertility problems, a new study has found. The chemical bisphenol A (BPA), found in certain plastic consumer products and the lining of some canned foods,
Read MoreJanne Saar: A few tips for staying positive
“In my Decembers blog I wanna talk about how to stay positive. I think it’s one of the most important things in life. Reaching that positive mindset and staying there is not always easy. I think it’s extremely hard when
Read MoreWhat’s behind the dramatic rise in Autism cases?
OHMYGOSSIP — The dramatic increase in the number of children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder is largely the result of changes in how the condition is reported, Danish researchers contend.
Read More6 Habits to boost your immunity and to prepare your body for the harsh winter
OHMYGOSSIP — We are all tied to the seasons. In summer we spend time outside, we eat lighter, and we tend to be more active. Historically, people around the world celebrate harvest or fall with fasts (Ramadan, Yom Kippur), reflection
Read MoreGOOD SOLUTIONS! Best natural cures for toenail fungus
OHMYGOSSIP — Toe nail fungus is fairly disgusting and probably not a problem you want to deal with in the near or distant future. However, should you have to deal with this there are solutions that you can fall back
Read MoreHelena-Reet about her life change: I feel like a new person!
OHMYGOSSIP — “This interview question comes just in time! 20.August, just a week ago, I had my birthday and after 10 years of “unhealthy life” I decided to make huge changes!” A-list entertainment journalist and blogger tells to Finnish “Terveyden
Read MoreResearchers reverse autistic behaviors in mice
OHMYGOSSIP — Researchers were able to reverse autistic behaviors in mice missing the Shank3 gene, a major risk factor for autism in humans.
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