Back to homepage13 Benefits of pineapple for better health
OHMYGOSSIP — The pineapple is native to southern Brazil and Paraguay, the modern fruit having been developed by native peoples from an almost inedible wild species. The most significant nutritional elements of pineapple are high quantities of vitamin C, manganese
Read MoreHelena-Reet: Growing, collecting and drying herbs for the winter + a LITTLE guide to the effect of various herbal teas!
OHMYGOSSIP – During the summer I eagerly make preparations for the winter. I prefer to drink only those herbal teas that I myself have grown, collected and dried. Those have a special power in them. For example, when during summer
Read MoreREAD, why the birch water is good for your health, what does it contain and how could it help you
OHMYGOSSIP – Right now is the right time to collect the birch juice! Birch water is good for spring’s detox and helps to energise the body. The birch juice gets rid of the unnecessary toxins and at the same time
Read MoreType 2 Diabetes overview: How it damages the body + The best diet for Type 2 Diabetes
OHMYGOSSIP — What Is Type 2 Diabetes? Type 2 diabetes strikes people of all ages, and early symptoms are subtle. In fact, about one out of three people with type 2 diabetes don’t know they have it. This chronic condition
Read MoreTOP 5: List of the most nutritious vegetables you can buy
OHMYGOSSIP —We all know that Americans should be eating more fruits and vegetables. But there’s a big difference between eating a handful of carrots or a tangerine, and munching on some leafy greens. The CDC recently ranked 47 of America’s
Read MoreAustria’s Comprehensive Cancer Center: Cervical acid peels prevent cancer
OHMYGOSSIP – Cervical acid peels may sound like something you get done at the salon, but scientists claim they could prevent cancer. Many beauty fans already know the benefits of a facial peel, which targets problems like acne and aging,
Read MoreCan you spot the early signs of bowel cancer?
OHMYGOSSIP – Bowel cancer is one of the most common types of cancer diagnosed in the United Kingdom, with around 40,000 new cases detected every year. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential for helping people survive the cancer – and
Read MoreWhat does the science say about multivitamins? Do they actually work? The Surprising Truth!
OHMYGOSSIP — Multivitamins are the most commonly used supplements in the world. Their popularity has increased rapidly in the past few decades. Some people believe that multivitamins can improve health, make up for poor eating habits or even reduce the
Read MoreAir pollution linked to ADHD, reduced IQ in kids
OHMYGOSSIP — Pregnant women exposed to air pollution are five times more likely to have children who develop behavior problems related to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, a new study reports.
Read MoreShocking news! Scientists: Less exercise leads to small brain
OHMYGOSSIP — It’s a well-known fact that being a couch potato is no good for your health, but new research has discovered lack of exercise may even shrink your brain.
Read MoreProblems with overweight? Read how drinking water can help you lose weight!
OHMYGOSSIP — For a long time, drinking water has been thought to help with weight loss. In fact, 30–59% of US adults who try to lose weight increase their water intake. Many studies show that drinking more water may benefit
Read More11 Healthy foods to help you feel full longer
OHMYGOSSIP — One of the reasons why people end up overeating or gain excessive weight quickly is because whatever they consume does not satisfy their hunger. Hence, they start eating more. Since it’s a human tendency to keep eating till
Read MoreIncreasing dietary fiber can help reduce risk of diabetes
OHMYGOSSIP — Increasing dietary fiber may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, in addition to reducing BMI and helping to keep weight down, according to a new study.
Read MoreWhat is Oligospermia and how to increase your sperm count
OHMYGOSSIP — Many couples are not sure why it is difficult for them to conceive a child. There could be many reasons, but low sperm count is one of those reasons.
Read MoreHospital Clinic of Barcelona and Loma Linda University: Regularly snacking on walnuts cuts artery-clogging cholesterol
OHMYGOSSIP – Humble walnut may keep health issues at bay. At a conference in San Diego, California, researchers from the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona and Loma Linda University presented the results of their study into the effects of walnut consumption.
Read MoreWEIGHT LOSS TIPS! 4 Rules to reach and maintain your ideal weight
OHMYGOSSIP — Losing weight is hard and demands daily effort, balanced with the realities of birthday cake, holidays, and the surprise box of chocolates that show up at your door.
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