Back to homepageThe “lunar effect”, or HOW the full moon affects your body
OHMYGOSSIP – The full moon has long been a source of fascination, mystery, and wonder for humanity. In various cultures and traditions, it holds a significant place in rituals, myths, and folklore. But beyond its cultural and spiritual significance, some
Read MoreWHY DO mystical and mysterious things happen during the full moon?
OHMYGOSSIP – Throughout history, the full moon has held a special place in the realm of the esoteric and mystical. It’s a time when stories of werewolves, witches, and other supernatural occurrences often come to life in our collective imagination.
Read MoreA SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION: Can we communicate with the Dead?
OHMYGOSSIP – The question of whether it is possible to communicate with the dead has fascinated humans for centuries. This phenomenon is often associated with various paranormal practices, including séances, mediums, and spiritualism. While many people claim to have had
Read MoreTHE USE of crystals for healing, meditation, and spiritual growth
OHMYGOSSIP – In a world where stress, anxiety, and the pursuit of holistic well-being are becoming increasingly prominent, people are turning to ancient practices and alternative therapies to find balance and peace. One such practice is crystal healing, a mystical
Read MoreUNVEILING THE MYSTERIES: Astrological Signs and Their Witchcraft Correspondences
OHMYGOSSIP – For those who are enchanted by the realms of witchcraft and astrology, the intertwining of these mystical practices can offer a profound understanding of oneself and the world. Exploring the connections between astrological signs and their corresponding elements,
Read MorePsychics: A wood-burning oven will increase your witchcraft abilities
OHMYGOSSIP – Did you know that your home’s heating system can have a significant impact on your psychic abilities? If you’re interested in developing your skills in the field of esotericism, then you might want to consider switching to a
Read MoreIS IT advisable to use foreign tarot cards for fortune-telling?
OHMYGOSSIP – Tarot cards have been used for divination and fortune-telling for centuries. Originally from Italy, the use of tarot cards has spread worldwide, and with that, different decks have been created to cater to various cultures and beliefs. However,
Read MoreDiscovering the Magical World of Fairies in Nordic Lands
OHMYGOSSIP – Fairies, also known as mythical creatures, have captured the imagination of people for centuries. These creatures have been depicted as tiny, beautiful beings with magical powers in folklore and mythology. While they are often thought to be only
Read MoreMystical Mastery: Understanding the Elements of Magic
OHMYGOSSIP – Magic has captivated people for centuries and is still a source of fascination today. While it may seem mysterious and elusive, the principles behind it can be broken down into 8 elements. From the Norse magic, to the
Read MoreIS THERE a connection between fairy tales and esotericism?
OHMYGOSSIP – Fairy tales and esotericism have some similarities in that they both often deal with themes of magic, symbolism, and the supernatural. However, their primary focus and the way they approach these themes can differ. Fairy tales are primarily
Read MoreWHAT DO TOES tell you about your health and what is the message sent by socks
OHMYGOSSIP – You have definitely heard that it is good to walk barefoot and that taking foot baths will stimulate circulation. Feet have a great impact on a person’s health status. There are reflex points on the feet through which
Read MoreLOVE SPELLS and winning yourself a man using “magic” + LOVE potion recipe
OHMYGOSSIP – Without love a person is never fully happy. Yet does it make us happy when the love has been earned or restored with magic? Is it possible to win the man that you love back with magic? Is
Read MoreFOR THIS REASON women should not wear a ring on the thumb
OHMYGOSSIP – Wearing a ring is an ancient and widespread thing among men as well as among women. The ring as such is a magical thing and wearing a ring is connected with certain rules. It will affect your life
Read MoreHOW to synchronize beauty rituals with lunar phases?
OHMYGOSSIP – You often look into different horoscopes and when meeting someone new, among your first questions is “What’s your sign?” If so, then this article is for you! No doubt the position of the planets affects us in every
Read MoreA Beginner’s Guide: How to Become a WITCH?
OHMYGOSSIP – This article offers a few tips about witchcraft for beginners. If that’s you, read this post to learn how to start practicing witchcraft the right way. Who is a witch and what is a witchery? The word witch
Read MoreWHAT is esotericism? Q&A
OHMYGOSSIP – Esotericism refers to the doctrines or practices of esoteric knowledge, or the quality or state of being obscure. Esoteric knowledge is that which is specialized or advanced in nature, available only to a narrow circle of “enlightened,” “initiated,”
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