Parlor games for grown-ups! TOP 6

OHMYGOSSIP – There are two types of people: the ones who like to make childish jokes and also play games with grown-ups and another kind of people who think that playing is for kids and a party should be celebrated in a grown-up style.
For those, who like to undertake something exciting:
1. Word explaining in pairs
– Write several words on the pieces of paper, the ones that can be explained without using words (for example, massage, giving birth, waltz, accidents, domestic incident, etc.). Put the word labels into the jar.
– Each pair has to think of a name to their team.
– When a team has chosen a word that they have to pantomime, they will have about 30 seconds in the next room to prepare it. If they cannot agree on the pantomime, they have to improvise.
– The team that guesses the correct answer, will score a point. (An easy way to count the points: put a sheet of paper with the names of the teams on the wall and write the scores there!)
2. A birthday present (crowd favourite)
– Prepare a small gift. I wrapped up a lollipop. Then I taped five “layers” of paper around it giving various assignments. (I slightly taped a piece of paper with the task on the package and wrapped it up again; a new task followed and one more layer of paper around all of it and so on.)
– Music is playing, and the people in the circle have to pass on the present. Like playing a hot potato. When the music stops, the one who has the parcel has to remove one layer from it and has to complete the task.
– I gave quite challenging tasks, and people were absolutely ecstatic. When the last person opened the present and found the lollipop, the people were disappointed that the game was already over.
(The assignments I thought of were connected with the birthday girl/boy: preparing a birthday cake for a birthday girl/boy, dance the booty shake and so forth.)
3. Forgotten balloons
– Each person gets a piece of paper, a pencil, a balloon and a ribbon.
– Everyone has to write an activity (task) on the piece of paper and put it into the balloon. Then you should blow up the balloon and tie it up.
– Hereupon all the balloons should be taken out of sight, to the other room.
– When the people have forgotten the balloons, it is the right time for every person to pick a balloon from the other room.
– And then you break the balloons and start completing the tasks.
(My company was so curious that they could not forget the balloons and were constantly asking about when we are going to do something with these balloons, but the time flew and I forgot the other part of this game. So, before going to the club with the celebrants, everyone grabbed a random balloon. A part of the company carried out the tasks on the way and some even in the club.)
4. A publicity stunt
– You need a product (I used three similar articles of clothing.) for which every team has to do some diverse and silly publicity.
– Company should be divided into three and given 10 minutes to prepare.
– Bear in mind the question: “What can you do with the product, and what else can be done with it?”
– You can also use some other props.
– Every team member has to have one´s own role.
– The game is particularly interesting when all the teams unknowingly “advertise” the same thing.
– This game needs improvisation and courage. But if successful, you can all have a great laugh about the game. People’s fantasy is limitless…
(This was the last game we played because then people already had more courage.)
5. Truth or dare
– Prepare several questions and tasks and put them into two jars: “Truth” and “Dare”
– The jars go around, and every person has to choose from which jar he/she would like to take the slip. Thereafter, one should answer the question or carry out the task.
(When you have more time, all the people could participate in thinking of and putting down the questions and assignments.)
6. A birthday bingo
– All the participants will get a pen and a prepared grid (5×5).
– Everybody will take turns saying one word connected with birthdays and then everyone has to write the word into one’s grid (wherever he/she would like to). At the same time, bingo-master has to write all these words down on the pieces of paper and next he/she will put them, for instance, into a basket.
– When the grid is filled, the bingo-master will start drawing/shouting out the words from the basket. The person who gets five squares in a row will win!
Source: Ohmygossip.ee
Featured image is illustrative: (YouTube)

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