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Helen Mirren disses the British

Helen Mirren is on that soap box of hers again! The Oscar-winning actress has poured scorn on British comedy — branding it “angry” and “cruel”.

“I’m under the impression that this notion is disappearing from our society,” the RED star told France’s Paris Match magazine.

“Where conflicts are made worse on cinema and on television, where people are nasty and cruel on the internet and where, in general terms, everybody seems to me to be very angry. This causes me a lot of pain.

“I prefer the finesse of French humor. English humor is harsher, more scathing, more cruel and more surreal too, as illustrated by Monty Python and the TV series Little Britain, where situations are far-fetched and over-the-top.

“I smoked Gitanes to appear cool, and I dreamed of being French. I wanted to be an elegant bourgeoisie or an artist just like Juliette Greco.

“From the age of 15, I desperately wanted to be Brigitte Bardot and to go and live in St Tropez. But I was just a small and plump English girl with spots. Then I had a French boyfriend called Jean-Louis with whom I’m still friends.”

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