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Gary Coleman had secret will

Gary Coleman made another secret will, it has been claimed.
The late actor – who died after suffering a brain haemorrhage on May 28 – reportedly had a lawyer draw up a document which is “substantially different” from that detailed by papers from 1999 that were filed yesterday (08.06.10).

In addition, Gary’s ex-wife Shannon Price insists she has a legal document from 2007 showing “he wanted me to have everything”.

However, speaking about the newly-uncovered will, a source told “This is not the handwritten codicil from 2007. This was created by a lawyer and it’s substantially different from the 1999 will.”

Under Utah law, because Gary and Shannon – who claims the couple were planning to remarry – were divorced at the time of his death, she is not entitled to anything from his estate.

The 1999 document appoints Dion Mial, 46, as executor of his estate, giving him the power to set funeral plans in motion, assess the value of the estate and decide how any money is to be paid out according to a trust.

However, it is expected further disputes will arise if the new document is produced.

The source added: “The new will should be filed within a couple of weeks at the latest. And then there is going to be an incredible battle over Gary’s estate.”

It is thought the actor didn’t leave much money when he died, with his main asset being his $315,000 home.

A date for the funeral is still to be set.

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Dion MialGary ColemanShannon Price


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