Ridley Scott: “Cannes is a market place”
Ridley Scott has said that Cannes is a market place for filmmakers. The director won the “Best Debut Film” prize at the festival in 1977 for his historical drama The Duellists and he returns this year to open the 63rd event with new feature Robin Hood.
“Cannes is a market place because that’s what we do. We make movies and we try to sell them. There’s no other way around it. To say it’s all about pure art is nonsense; it’s about how do you sell your movie. I don’t care if it’s a high budget or a low budget movie, if I don’t sell it there’s no point in making it,” Ridley Scott told The Daily Telegraph.
Talking about how US distributors made only seven prints of his debut feature after its Cannes win, Scott added: “I thought, “Oh, that’s jolly good”. I thought that was a normal opening, and that was my introduction to the film industry. Since then I’ve learned a lot about the business.”
Of the appropriateness of his new film featuring at this year’s festival, Scott said: “This Robin Hood completely fulfils the promise of what Robin Hood should be and so in a way it’s a perfect package to open the Cannes festival.”