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‘The toilet for me is such a lovely place…’ James Buckley reveals his favourite room in his house

OHMYGOSSIP — ‘The Inbetweeners’ star James Buckley says the toilet is his favourite room in his house.
The 36-year-old actor – who played foul-mouthed sixth form student Jay Cartwright ‘The Inbetweeners’ – looks forward to his bathroom breaks at home because it is a chance to enjoy some peace and quiet away from his wife Clair and their two sons, Jude and Harrison.
Speaking on his ‘In Sickness and In Health’ podcast, he shared: “The toilet for me is such a lovely place, I look forward to my s****.”
James also will not waste his poos by doing them when he’s out and about because he doesn’t want to deprive himself of that quality time alone at home.
He added: “Unless it’s an emergency s*** at home.
“There have been times where I have been on the train and there has been a toilet and I’ve gone, ‘No, I’m saving this.’ I’ve got to really be in a bad way to need to use the toilet on a train, which I have done a few times.”
James is very specific about his toilet habits and he hasn’t stood at a urinal to urinate for 18 years because he feels uncomfortable answering nature’s call in front of other men. In fact, Buckley prefers to sit down for a pee.
He spilled: “I don’t use urinals at all. If I’m at home I’m sitting down to pee. I discovered sitting down when I was about 18 years old and I was just like, ‘Why the f*** am I standing up?’ I’m proud of it. I might get a bumper sticker ‘I pee sitting down.'”

Source: VacationHunter.Online


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