Elle Macpherson refusing to focus on ageing
OHMYGOSSIP — Elle Macpherson is not focusing on ageing.
The supermodel – dubbed ‘The Body’ by Time in 1989 – is set to turn 60 in March and says she feels “incredible” as she approaches the landmark, thanks partly to quitting drinking 20 years ago.
She told Body and Soul about maturing: “I feel incredible. I think that’s the most important thing.
“You say I look incredible but I feel that way. I just love that sense of vitality and I’m grateful for my life, I’m grateful for my journey and I am loving turning 60.”
Since leaving the catwalk behind, Elle has founded WelleCo, the rapidly growing global supplement brand that sprang from her own experiences of feeling less than her best.
She approached 50 sleep-deprived, unmotivated, sugar-addicted, surviving on coffee and suffering from weight gain, bad skin and low libido.
Elle – who was part of the group of 1990s supermodels branded ‘The Magnificent Seven’ by the New York Times in 1996 – added about feeling back to her best thanks to focusing on her wellness: “I don’t focus on ageing. I think it’s more important to focus on the quality of the life that you’re living and how you’re living life to the fullest.
“They always say it’s not the years in your life it’s the life in your years. That’s what I like to help people with, which is how they can live their life to their fullest.
“My mum is still beautiful and active and vibrant and it’s true she didn’t have as much information on how to look after herself as we do today.
“But I would say magazines like yours are giving women a voice.
“They’re also giving them the tools to understand how to nurture themselves.
“I used to equate beauty with youth and as I’ve matured and as my experience has evolved, I’ve understood that beauty is more closely aligned to wellness.
“The second part of that concept is that wellness is physical, emotional, spiritual and mental wellbeing and that they’re all integrated. That was the biggest revelation – that you can’t compartmentalise them and they’re not separate.
“If anything is out of kilter it affects the others, so the secret to a happy, healthy life is really keeping in balance with all those aspects. It took me a long time to get that.
“WelleCo is a perfect example of having a vehicle where I can communicate that but there’s also speaking engagements and Instagram lives and interviews and sharing my personal experience.”
Source: VacationHunter.Online

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