TEN THINGS Men don’t want to hear from women on a First Date

OHMYGOSSIP – First dates can be nerve-wracking for both men and women. We all want to make a great impression and get to know our potential partner better. While open communication is essential, there are certain topics and phrases that can be a major turn-off for men on a first date. To ensure your date goes smoothly and leaves a lasting positive impression, here are ten things men don’t want to hear from women on a first date.
“Let’s talk about my exes”:
Bringing up past relationships too early can signal emotional baggage. Instead, focus on getting to know each other and discussing positive aspects of your lives.
“I hate drama”:
Mentioning drama might make men think you’re prone to it. Keep the conversation light and enjoyable to create a relaxed atmosphere.
“Are you paying for this?”:
Asking about finances can make men feel pressured or uncomfortable. On a first date, it’s best to offer to split the bill or take turns treating each other.
“I’m looking to get married and start a family soon”:
While it’s important to be honest about your intentions, discussing long-term commitments on a first date can be overwhelming. Focus on enjoying the present moment.
“How much do you earn?”:
Money matters are personal and can put men on the spot. Save this conversation for a later stage when you’ve built trust and established a connection.
“Let me show you pictures of my cats/kids”:
While it’s great to share aspects of your life, overwhelming your date with too much information too soon might make them feel rushed. Pace the conversation and allow for natural sharing.
“You remind me of my father”:
Drawing comparisons to family members can create uncomfortable expectations. Instead, focus on the unique qualities and attributes of your date.
“I don’t really like sports”:
While it’s fine to have different interests, expressing a complete disinterest in something that many men enjoy might create a disconnect. Find common ground and show enthusiasm for their hobbies.
“I’m on a strict diet”:
Discussing restrictive eating habits or body image concerns can send the wrong message. Embrace self-confidence and enjoy the food and experience of the date.
“I’m not like other girls”:
Making generalizations about gender can come across as judgmental or dismissive. Celebrate your individuality without undermining others.
First dates are an opportunity to connect, have fun, and explore the potential for a meaningful relationship. By avoiding these ten things men don’t want to hear on a first date, you can create a positive and engaging atmosphere that encourages genuine conversation and mutual understanding.
Remember, the key is to be yourself, show interest in your date, and enjoy the journey of getting to know each other better!
Featured image: Unsplash

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