Scandinavian top blogger Helena-Reet: Vanity gives money to the wise and takes it away from the vain

OHMYGOSSIP – NordenBladet & OHMYGOSSIP-sites developer Helena-Reet Ennet is the blogger who is weekly in Finnish and Swedish news, who has more social media followers than no other girl or company in Scandinavia and who “tells the ugly truth” directly to your face. Metropoli.net talked with her about vanity.
– Vanity blinds people! People want to be “VIP” and “ESPECIAL”, but the truth is that VIP and special are only those who control their own lives. The old school well known “Snob-effect”* is the key how people get rich. It is not a secret, that if you want to make money – “approve a fool” and “pressure their vanity”! Sounds very cruel, but this is how it works. Vanity is the main thing which gives money for the clever and takes it away from the vain and foolish. And this works, always and in all life situations. Trust me!
– Don’t let others think/decide what is cool, original or nice. Make your own decisions! Yeah, I have said it thousand times, but I’ll tell it again. You do not need to waste a single penny to designer clothes/bags/widgets, especially for those you actually do not like but your “cool rich” friend has. Start decide yourself what is cool. If you truly think you like it, buy it, but if your idol has it and you do not like it, leave it.
– Just an example… you have a fat ass (like I do), believe me, it does not matter if you wear Armani, YSL, Gucci jeans or no-name trousers… your butt looks the same – fat – the “names” do not make your ass look better! Better try to find trousers what fit you well, no matter what their price/name is. Choose what is good for you and what you like! Show some personality!
– Imagine that there are things and no prices — what would you choose then? What would you choose if you do not know anything about the brands and names? It is difficult, I know. People are very much affected what VIP’s or very rich think and wear – that is “used to be” generally cool. Make your own decisions! Use your own head, otherwise you are a cheap and easy channel for business-branches, who uses you. I promise you, once you’ll find this confidence in you, your life is a thousand times more happy and successful!
*In microeconomics, the snob effect is a phenomenon referring to the situation where the demand for a certain good by individuals of a higher income level is inversely related to the demand for the good by individuals of a lower income level. The “snob effect” contrasts most other microeconomic models, in that the demand curve can have a positive slope, rather than the typical negatively sloped demand curve of normal goods.
This situation is derived by the desire to own unusual, expensive or unique goods. These goods usually have a high economic value, but low practical value. The less of an item available, the higher its snob value. Examples of such items with general snob value are rare works of art, designer clothing, and sports cars.
In all these cases, one can debate whether they meet the snob value criterion, which in itself may vary from person to person. A person may reasonably claim to purchase a designer garment because of a certain threading technique, longevity, and fabric. While this is true in some cases, the desired effect can often be achieved by purchasing a less-expensive version from a reputable brand. Often these high-end items end up as closeout items in discount stores or online retailers where they may be offered at deep discounts from original price, bringing into question the true value of the product. Ultimately, wealthy consumers can be lured by superficial factors such as rarity, celebrity representation and brand prestige.
Collectors within a specific field can suffer from snob effect, searching for the rarest and often most expensive collectibles. Such examples are classic automobiles, stamps and coins.

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