BY CHANGING THE HAIR-DO – you change your life. CHECK IT OUT, what is the best day for you to go to the hair-dresser
OHMYGPSSIP – From ancient times, hair has been considered the symbol of vitality, strength and beauty. Hair must be taken care of. it grows rather slowly and it doesn’t merely fulfil an aesthetic function. Hair is the natural antenna of the human body.
Hair is the source of our cosmic energy. Remember this – by changing your hair-do, you change your life!
According to magic, if something happens to your hair, then this will change the course of an invisible river that washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore any influence on our hair may, towards one or the other side, change not only our looks, but our entire life.
For you not to go bald too soon or not to lose your heavenly guardian angel, follow the safety measures while cutting your hair. You must know exactly when and why you cut your hair.
Rule number one:
You cannot trust your hair to a random person. The person that cuts your hair, changes your aura. When coming to a hairdresser, besides the fashionable hair-do, also choose an energetic and cheerful specialist, this way your life will change for the better after the haircut.
The older the hairdresser, the greater their impact on your life. If you are an independent person, you are used to solving your problems on your own and you don’t want anything on your way when achieving them, then choose a specialist of your age or younger.
If, for reasons unknown, you have constant misfortune, it is reasonable to choose a senior and well-known specialist, even if it will cost you a fortune. Yet after paying a visit to the hairdresser your life will take a turn.
Rule number two:
It is best not to cut your own hair. This superstition is very difficult to overcome. However strong and determined the person is, it is difficult to repair one’s aura.
Rule number three:
It is thought to be best that the hairdresser be of the same sex as you. During the haircut, your ethereal, astral and mental aura changes and as a result of that we easily give in to other people’s influence. Thus, if you like a hairdresser from the opposite sex, this may cause trouble in your personal life.
Rule number four:
If you wish that your hair would grow faster after the haircut, you must have your hair cut from the new moon until the full moon. If you wish that your hair changed its features – for example you are dissatisfied with it being tangled and disobedient, you should go to the hairdressers’ during the shrinking moon. However, after such a hairdo the hair will grow back very slowly. It is also good to have your hair done during the waning moon when you want to postpone hair loss and strengthen the roots.
Tip from ancient magicians:
If you fell ill then trim your hair so that the negative energy from the illness would go away with the split ends and the body might cleanse itself.
Rule number five:
You shouldn’t cut your hair on certain dates, 9th, 15th, 23rd, 29th (beginning from the waxing moon), as well as on the days of solar or lunar eclipse. After the procedures that were carried out during these times you may fall ill, or like they used to say earlier, „you cut your brain off”.
Rule number six:
Before making a hairdresser’s appointment, make sure how you wish to change your life!
Photography: Pexels
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