11 Healthy foods to help you feel full longer
OHMYGOSSIP — One of the reasons why people end up overeating or gain excessive weight quickly is because whatever they consume does not satisfy their hunger. Hence, they start eating more. Since it’s a human tendency to keep eating till the time the stomach does not feel full, we mostly focus on the quantity of the food, and not on the quality of it.
So even when we know that a packet of chips is not going to be enough for our hungry stomach, we consume it, and then reach out for two more packets. This is obviously a wrong approach. Not only does it make us overeat foods that we shouldn’t be consuming much, but also makes us grow fat. So it is important for everyone to know of foods that help him or her to feel full for longer, and can help him or her have a stable, healthy diet, without any overeating. Here are some of them.
1. Apples
All this while you heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but now it can also keep obesity at bay. Apples have rich water content, and are also high on fibre, which makes a person feel full immediately after consuming it. Moreover, apple peel has natural appetite suppressants. So for all those mid-afternoon or brunch food cravings that you have, consume an apple to keep you going till the next meal’s time.
2. Eggs
Boiled, scrambled or as an Omelette, eggs are a great start to your day, and can help you feel full for long. Eggs are a great source of protein, and proteins in general satiate one’s appetite really quickly. For late afternoons, you can also opt for a Boiled Egg and Potato salad.
3. Oatmeal
This is again a great option for breakfast. Consume it with hot skimmed milk, and it will help you feel full till lunch. For those who want to lose weight quickly, Oatmeal is one of the first things recommended by health and fitness experts.
4. Fish
It contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which improve metabolism rate, and also lower cholesterol. Ideally, one should consume halibut, cod or bass (basically any kind of whitefish) in steamed or grilled form. It’s great for lunch or dinner.
5. Soup
Ever wondered why most celebrities like to have soup for dinner? It does not add to your fat, is easy to digest, and is absolutely filling. Vegetable or chicken soups, with a good broth are excellent choices. Combine it with a bowl of salad, if you please, and you will be losing weight in no time.
6. Nuts
A handful of nuts, unsalted and in raw form is a great way to kill your hunger. Carry small packets in your handbag all the time for those sudden moments of hunger. The best choices are almonds and walnuts, which do not add any fat to your body. Though if you don’t really care and need some energy plus calories, then you can opt for peanuts too.
7. Citrus Fruits
Opt for Oranges, Papaya, Guava, Grapefruit, and Pineapples etc., which have a lot of Vitamin C. These are good for your body in more ways than one, and definitely make you feel full for a long period of time.
8. Popcorn
As compared to other snacks, such as potato chips and crispy fries, popcorn doesn’t add too much fat to your body, and makes you feel full as well. Of course, you need to avoid soaking the popcorn tub with a lot of butter! (Or else, it’d be pointless to consume it.)
9. Green Leafy Vegetables
The main reason why most salads contain a lot of greens is because they make one feel full for a long period of time. A big bowl of salad with a lot of lettuce, spinach and other veggies is a great way to combat hunger at any time of the day, especially post dinner, when you have to stay up for long but don’t want to add fat to your body.
10. Yogurt
It not only helps in fulfilling the quota of your daily calcium requirements, but can also make your stomach feel full. Combine it with fruits, if you like.
11. Foods high on protein and fiber
Overall, just focus on foods that are high on protein and fiber, and are also low fat at the same time. Protein tops the list when it comes to foods with high satiety levels. Foods with complex carbohydrates are also good, as they take some time to break down in the body, releasing glucose gradually, thereby making one feel full for a long time.
Always remember that the easiest way to lose weight and stay healthy is to eat less, but stay full. Concentrate one eating foods that make you fitter, and more alert and active.
Featured image: Lev Dolgachov/PantherMedia/Scanpix

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