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Ireland Baldwin: Signing with IMG Models made me change my outlook

OHMYGOSSIP — Ireland Baldwin says signing with IMG Models in 2013 made her change her outlook on fashion and fitness. The 18-year-old beauty – who is the daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger – signed a contract with IMG Models last year and says landing her big break revolutionised her attitude towards both fashion and fitness.

She joked in an interview with Galore magazine: “I resorted to sweatpants, messy buns and converse as if it were uniform. If I was feeling adventurous, I’d throw yoga pants on.

“That was primarily because my diet consisted of Cup of Noodles and bagels so I needed the yoga pants to hold it all together.

“When I stepped into this world and truly got a feeling for what it’s all about, I literally said to myself, oh s**t.”

Ireland claims she only grew into her looks in her teens and quickly realised she be might be able to carve out a career as a model.

She said: “When I got my braces taken off and let my bowl cut grow out, I realized that I was a girl. So, that was when I realized there could be potential here.”

The blonde is getting herself in shape for the summer with a healthy eating plan and strict workout regime.

She added: “The only way to feel good in a bikini is to treat your body right. Eat clean. Train. Stretch. Tone.”

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