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Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian’s money and jewelry stolen by TV show crew?

OHMYGOSSIP — Kourtney Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian‘s money and jewelry was stolen by someone who works on their TV show, it has been claimed.

$250,000 worth of jewelry was stolen from Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom‘s former Tarzana home, and $50,000 cash was pilfered from Kourtney and Scott Disick‘s Calabasas mansion.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ that whoever stole Khloe and Lamar’s jewelry knew exactly what they were looking for — the culprit took only the very expensive items, leaving the rest behind.  They knew exactly where to look and what to take.

The was NO sign of forced entry at either home, leading police to believe someone from the crew of Keeping Up with the Kardashians is to blame.

Crew members are being questioned, but so far no one has confessed to the crimes.

Previous reports claimed Khloe is convinced the robbery was an insider.

The house sat empty and only she and Lamar and her staff had access to it while it sat vacant,” a source said.

“Lamar never went there and has been with his family for months and now he’s not even in the country so she thinks someone that’s close to her stole her things and thought she wouldn’t notice. It’s really fu*ked up and she’s going to get even.

“It’s not about the money, it’s about the principal. Khloe’s hurt badly. Not because of the money or the jewelery, but because some bi*ch she knows and trusted presumably did this.

“Oh yeah. Khloe’s on the case and she’s better than a P.I. She sent a P.I. on Lamar and did her own undercover work and covert operations to find him when he didn’t want to be found. This jewelery stuff? Please, this won’t be a problem for Khloe.

“You don’t steal and you damn sure don’t steal from a woman like Khloe. It’s all bad for whoever did that.”

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Khloe KardashianKourtney Kardashian


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