Therese Fischer to Hopefully in five years time I’m still modeling and pursuing my acting career
“Hopefully in five years time I’m still modeling and pursuing my acting career. I constantly try to improve myself and stay focused. This industry is very tough and one of the most important ingredients to be successful is hard work,” Swedish top-model Therese Fischer tells exclusively.
Please, tell us about yourself?
My name is Therese Fischer. I am 23-years-old and is born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden. I work as a full-time model and currently live in Los Angeles. I’ve been modeling since late 2009 and has since then been fortunate enough to travel all over the world doing what I love.
What would you like to be doing five years from now? What are your long-term goals – how are you preparing yourself to achieve them?
Hopefully in five years time I’m still modeling and pursuing my acting career. I constantly try to improve myself and stay focused. This industry is very tough and one of the most important ingredients to be successful is hard work.
What are the most important rewards you expect in your career? What motivates you?
To reach the goals I’ve set up to accomplish. Long term as well as short term. Since I put in so much hard work into what I do, its truly rewarding to see the results from a great shoot. One of the things that motivates me is to push myself to become a better model for every shoot I do.
Who is your role model and why?
I don’t really have a role model. But if someone has gone through difficult things but still pursued and achieved their dreams, that’s what truly inspires me.
What was the best advice you’ve been given?
Always, always, always believe in yourself and your own abilities! Never listen to people who think otherwise.
What do you do in your spare time?
When I got days off I like to go shopping and hang out with my friends and family. I also run my two blogs ( & and love to spend time on my computer. I’m a true computer/technology geek!
Let´s talk about fashion too. Please describe your style? What do you wear most?
I would describe it as comfortable but still fashionable. I don’t follow specific trends and just wear whatever I think looks good and cool. I love to wear black tights and high waisted shorts.
Who/what inspires your fashion?
I get a lot of inspiration from watching people on the streets. Especially in big cities like New York and London where there is such a big variety of styles and characters. Also, a good song can put me in a mood and inspire me to dress a certain way. I love music.
How long do you spend on your outfit each day?
That depends on what I’m dressing up for but I would say 15-30 mins, sometimes longer.
Is there one piece in particular that you would say is your signature piece?
My iPhone! If I could shower with it I would lol.
What is your favorite accessory?
Long necklaces with some cool symbol on it. Right now I really like my little silver “gun” necklace.
What do you always carry with you?
My iPad, iPhone, high heels and a big smile!
What is your favorite fashion store/shop? Who is your favorite designer?
I really love H&M. Not only because it’s Swedish but I really like the concept of making trendy wear accessible for everyone. There are so many great designers that I like but as of now I must say that my favorite designer is Marc Jacobs.
Therese Fischer
Therese Fischer
Therese Fischer
Therese Fischer
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Therese Fischer
Therese Fischer
Therese Fischer
Therese Fischer
Therese Fischer
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