Miss Earth Estonia 2011 Xenia Likhacheva: I want to become a good conductor and musician

“For me, a role model is a person who has a gift to inspire millions and envision the future. That person was Alexander the Great who only lived for 32 years, and yet, had created one of the biggest and most successful empires of all time,” Miss Earth Estonia 2011 Xenia Likhacheva tells Ohmygossip.com.
Please, tell us about yourself?
My name is Xenia Likhacheva and I am 22 years old. I was born and grew up in Tallinn. This year I have finished a bachelor degree at Tallinn University and currently study saxophone in the High Music School of Georg Ots. I enjoy listening to an instrumental music. I can play five musical instruments – accordion, piano, block flute and of course, saxophone. My hobbies include ballet and dancing. I have been doing ballet for 15 years and have danced for 10 years as well as participating in various international contests in the process. However, one of my biggest passions is travelling. I like meeting and talking to new people from different countries and cultures. This year I have participated in Miss Universe Estonia and have won a 3rd princess award. In other competitions, I have won Miss Talent Estonia 2011 and Miss Earth Estonia 2011.
What would you like to be doing five years from now? What are your long-term goals – how are you preparing yourself to achieve them?
Firstly, I want to finish my Magister degree at the University. Secondly, I want to become a good conductor and musician. Also, I want to learn Italian language. In the long-term, I would like to grow up as a person and become successful in what I like to do the most, music. My dream is that in the future I could become a part of an international orchestra.
Who is your role model and why?
For me, a role model is a person who has a gift to inspire millions and envision the future. That person was Alexander the Great who only lived for 32 years, and yet, had created one of the biggest and most successful empires of all time. He was the first to foresee multicultural society which we have today. He always wanted to explore and know more about the world and vast cultures within it, and it drove his ambitions. He was undefeated in his battles, and it shows his ability not just as a great commander, but as an expiring individual and a person who can handle himself and people around him in all types of situations.
What was the best advice you’ve been given?
One very close person of mine told me: ‘’Hope for the best, prepare for the worst’’.
What do you do in your spare time?
When I have some spare time, I like to travel, go to various museums and theatres, and possibly just walk in the park if the weather is right. I also enjoy exercising and going to the fitness center. One thing that I don’t do is going to the night clubs. I am not that type of person because I found them too loud, too crowded and also, I don’t drink alcohol.
Let´s talk about fashion too. Please describe your style? What do you wear most?
I can’t describe my style because I don’t have it. I like “classic style” clothing, but I also try keeping up with the latest fashion trends. I enjoy wearing everyday clothes because they are comfortable, however, on occasions, I dress up accordingly.
Who/what inspires your fashion?
I do not have something or someone who inspires my fashion. Being a fashion person basically means being original and you can’t be original when you copy someone’s style. Also, I am not brand conscious; hence, I buy and wear clothes which I think will look good on me.
What is your favorite fashion store/shop? Who is your favorite designer?
I do not have a specific store which I like above others. I love shops where I can find something for myself. For me, the brand or designer name is not at the top of the list when choosing the right clothes.
How long do you spend on your outfit each day?
There is no particular timeframe, however, I would say around 10-15 minutes each day. When there is an occasion, then obviously it would take longer.
Is there one piece in particular that you would say is your signature piece?
My signature piece have to be my scarves. I have my very own little collection of them from around the world in various styles, size and designs.
What is your favorite accessory?
My favorite accessory is a scarf from Tunisia. It is handicraft and made from the natural silk with a very sophisticated and very beautiful design.
What do you always carry with you?
I always have my mobile phone with me because you never know what might happen next.
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