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International Beauty Contest for Girls of Finno-Ugric Nations “Northstar-2011“ take place on November 15th

International Beauty Contest for Girls of Finno-Ugric Nations “Northstar-2011“ take place on November 15th

OHMYGOSSIP — On Wednesday, Sept 21st, another session of the Organizing Committee of the International Beauty Contest for Girls of Finno-Ugric Nations Northstar 2011 took place, whose final will be held in Perm on November 15th 2011. At the meeting, questions of preparation of events, receipt of applications from Finno-Ugric territories, media support for the contest, scenario of the final event as well as further details were discussed.

“The present contest will take place in the Perm Region not by accident,” points out Svetlana Kolchurina (Executive Director of the Program “Kudymkar. Culture Reloaded”) within which the celebration will be carried out this year.

“Last time exactly a representative of the Permian Komi District, Anastasia Krokhaleva, won the honourable title. In 2010, the regional contest “Parma’s Beauty“ took place in Kudymkar; one of its participants will represent our ethnos at the “Northstar“ now. Besides, their arrival was confirmed by representatives of erzya and moksha, the Vepsian nation, from Udmurtia, Karelia, Republic of Komi, the Saami minority of the Murmansk Region… We do hope that also girls from Finno-Ugric countries, and Finland in particular, will reach Kudymkar, too.”

Applications has been accepted until October 1, 2011. By the way, it must be mentioned that – apart from criteria, traditional for the contests of that kind – the main attention of the jury will be paid to the fact, to which extent girls are familiar with traditional culture & language, history as well as rites and customs of their peoples.

“The final event of the Contest will be held on November 15th at the Concert Organ Hall of the Regional Philharmony in Perm,” said Tatyana Klimova, Head of the Department of Ethnocultural Development at the Ministry of the Affairs of the Permian Komi District, member of the Organizing Committee of the Contest, at another press ryt, which was held at the Executive Office of “Culture Reloaded“.

“However, as early as on November 9th, participants will come to Kudymkar, where they will have an opportunity to get familiar with the Permian Komi people, its culture, ethnic traditions, cuisine. A town tour, visits to the theatre building being constructed as well as the Subbotin-Permyak Museum, interaction with handicraft masters will be organized, performances by folklore bands will be shown. Simultaneously, common numbers will be prepared, solo appearances will be trained, defile and address on stage will be learnt.”

Look also:
“International Beauty Contest for Girls of Finno-Ugric Nations Northstar 2011” contestant Madli Vilsar @ Ohmygossip Couture photoshoot. Gallery!

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