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Kate Winslet excited about life after divorce

Kate Winslet doesn’t regret her marriage split. The actress says she’s at the beginning of a thrilling new chapter after the turmoil of her divorce from Sam Mendes.

“I feel that I’m just at the beginning of a new narrative and it’s incredibly exciting. It’s complicated, I know, and uncertain – but it’s where life happens, between the cracks,” the star, who’s rumored to be dating Richard Branson’s 33-year-old nephew Ned Rocknrol, told the UK’s Harper’s Bazaar magazine.
“As a woman, especially when you have children, one gets so good at soldiering on — almost too good.
“I realize that I probably had very few moments of allowing that sadness to emerge. Because you know what it’s like — as soon as you open that can of worms, it’s so f***king big, you wish you’d never taken the goddamn lid off.
“I’m not going to s***- fling, there’s no point in even going there.
“We’re grown-ups at the end of the day and however hard it’s been for me, it’s been equally hard for him.”

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