Ashley Judd feels sorry for her mom
Ashley Judd says she feels sorry for her “poor mother,” Naomi Judd, because of the bad rap she’s now receiving. In her shocking new memoir, Ashley lifts the lid on her troubled upbrining and claims she was abused as a child.
But she told a small group during a private party thrown by More magazine at Soho House that she’s not a victim, reports E! News.
“It’s been a little bewildering for me,” said Judd.
“My poor mother, who’s incredibly witty and so quick with a quip, she’s probably regretting she said ‘We put the fun in dysfunctional.’
“They put disproportionate emphasis on the fact that we had a family system that didn’t work very well and the kinds of the things that happen in those family systems happen to all of us.
“What I wanted to do this afternoon was just quit. I had the ridiculous assumption that the interview I was doing with a very serious news outlet was going to be a news interview…and it wasn’t. It was just really disappointing. I was like ‘I’m done. I’m going to go home and take a nap.’ And I called one of my mentors, and he said ‘Can you just hold your nose during the smelly questions and get through it and think of the people you committed your life to?’,” she shared.
She acknowledges the power of Twitter in shedding attention to the abuse other women have faced, as well.
“Maybe what it takes is for people to tweet about the fact that I’m a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. Well, so what? I’d say about 80 percent of the people in the U.S., according to statistics, have. I remind myself that my story is a surrogate story so that people will buy the book,” she said.
Sources recently revealed that Ashley had riled her family with the tome.
“How she could betray her own flesh and blood with this disturbed view of what happened is shocking and hurtful,” dished one insider.
“These ugly family accusations should be discussed in private within the family, not printed and sold to the public to make a quick buck.
“Naomi and Wynonna have had a strained relationship with Ashley for years.
“This is the final nail in the coffin — they are very angry and hurt that Ashley would write a book rather than deal with whatever problems they have privately.”

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