Rebecca Hall hates talking about herself
The British actress — who stars alongside Ben Affleck in new movie The Town — says she does not find herself to be an endlessly fascinating topic. “I don’t like talking about myself, if I’m honest,” she said.
“If I don’t have a private life, I have nothing.”
Hall says she does interviews because it’s part of being a professional actress today.
“You can’t do what you want to do now unless you do some of that,” she says. “I wish it were otherwise. Now there’s just this incessant, ‘Who are you really?’ ”
Rebecca then revealed that she’s keen to rent a small flat in London — because she’s been living out of a suitcase for the last two years and all of her possessions are in storage.
“I’m OK this way,” she says, “but I fully appreciate that I can’t carry on much longer. My friends and family who’ve put me up whenever I knock on doors, they are going to get bored of doing that.”