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Amber Rose considering a breast reduction

OHMYGOSSIP — Amber Rose is considering a breast reduction.
The 33-year-old star is thinking about having the size of her breasts reduced as she is seriously worried about back pain.
She wrote on her Instagram page: “I’m thinking about getting a breast reduction this year … my boobs are stupid heavy, my back hurts and I can’t wear cute lil shirts without a grandma bra. I’m really scared of the lollipop scars tho…. any advice?
“Are there any ladies out there that are much happier even though you have breast reduction scars? And no I don’t have implants so they can’t just cut around the nipples .. tell me about ur experiences (sic)”
Meanwhile, Amber previously revealed she thinks women are “constantly being put down”.
She said: “People think I’m really controversial. I’m just really standing up for women. We are just sick of being talked down to, sick of being called “hoes” and “sluts”, getting “slut shamed” and talked down on for the same things men do. People don’t understand that’s an extreme form of bullying. They bully women constantly and wonder why we are so insecure when they constantly put us down.
“Men and women put other women down. If you don’t know what a slut walk is, it’s for slut shaming, rape victims and sexual assault victims. Everything that we deal with as women, that’s unfortunate. The term slut walk, some don’t understand it but it’s a very positive thing.”
And Amber considers herself to be a “feminist monster”.
She said: “I was always about girl power, but I didn’t quite get it because I did always feel like I had to be completely submissive to a man. I was always very unhappy doing that. I think I needed time to grow up.
“You get to a certain point in your life where you really find out who you are, and sometimes that happens when you’re 25, but for me, it was 31. I didn’t quite know that before. I guess social media did help create the feminist monster that I’ve become.”

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